
The Frito-Lay Beloit facility produces Lay’s and Ruffles potato chips, Cheetos, Fritos, Doritos and Tostitos.
As part of its 5-year sustainability plan, Frito-Lay Beloit has set forth environmental objectives, including a reduction in fuel use by the transportation fleet. This is in line with Frito-Lay North America’s participation in the EPA SmartWay program. The company sought to reduce engine idling, caused by drivers leaving their tractors running during long load/unload periods and during overnight resting periods in cold months. The company also recognized the need to improve its overall fuel efficiency with the increasing cost of fuel and to reduce the carbon footprint of the Over The Road (OTR) Fleet.
Roundy’s Transportation - Super Single Tires
Roundy’s Supermarkets, Inc. (Roundy’s) is a leading grocer in theMidwestwith nearly $4 billion in sales and 18,000 employees. Its warehouse distribution facility in Oconomowoc serves grocery stores under the Pick ‘n Save, Copps, Rainbow, Metro Market and Mariano’s Fresh Market banners in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Illinois.
Roundy’s Transportation is constantly looking to increase the fuel efficiency of its transportation fleet, especially as the company’s overall transportation mileage is increasing in line with the growth of the company as a whole.
In 2009, Roundy’s Transportation conducted an internal evaluation of the viability of “Super Single” tires (or wide-base tires) on its tractors. Compared to standard dual tires, super singles have been shown to improve fuel efficiency thanks to reduced weight, lower rolling resistance, and lower aerodynamic drag. In addition to switching out the tires, Roundy’s also evaluated replacing the existing steel rims with aluminum ones. The lighter aluminum rims are intended to add a minor improvement to the fuel efficiency and provide a cosmetic benefit over the older, often rusted steel rims.
Roundy’s Transportation - Trailer Skirts
In 2009, Roundy’s started installing Green Wing skirts on their trailers to decrease aerodynamic drag. The company conducted a pilot study with seven trailers to test the viability of the skirts. The test yielded positive results, and in 2010 the decision was made to equip the remaining trailers with the skirts.
At a cost of $1677.98 per trailer, the overall cost of this conversion will be $87,254.96. There are no additional costs, maintenance costs or procedural changes associated with the addition of the skirts.
By summer 2011, the company had equipped 125 trailers with the skirts out of their fleet of 370 trailers.