Innovative Service Award
This award aims to applaud groundbreaking services that effectively catalyze the adoption of sustainability within an organization, its customer base, or an entire industry. The innovative Service Award is designated for companies or service providers that can showcase a substantial and measurable influence on Environmental, Social, and/or Governance (ESG) metrics throughout a value chain. Examples may encompass the development of novel sustainable techniques or standards, innovative business models or structures, or inventive utilization of materials or waste streams.
To qualify, the innovative must demonstrate tangible impacts, with quantifiable business outcomes (e.g., % improvement, % reduction) evidenced across multiple customers. The application must include supporting evidence.
The criteria for the Innovative Service Award are anchored in one or more measurable outcomes, including:
Integration of sustainability into strategic business decision-making and overall operations
Development and implementation of sustainability criteria for products, systems, services, processes, or buildings
Advancement in innovative material usage, transportation, resiliency, risk reduction, and/or social impact/equity
Enhancement of workforce strategies, showcasing positive improvement in overall health, safety, and wellness
Enablement and advancement of ESG criteria and frameworks
Engagement of internal stakeholders through services, programs, and tools fostering sustainability-driven innovation
While the nature of innovative services may vary, the emphasis lies on the development of creative and unique solutions that substantially propel sustainability across businesses, markets, and industries. We urge any business with a service deemed innovative and impactful in driving sustainable solutions to apply for this award.
Applications should comprehensively outline and, where feasible, quantify both the direct and indirect benefits mentioned above.
Award Eligibility:
The business has a presence in Wisconsin
The business leader or team is a current WSBC member (or the company they work for)
The individual has not won an award from us within the last three years in this product category
Self-nominations are normal and encouraged
When nominating, please fill out the questions to the best of ability. The more detailed applications tend to be scored better by the committee.
Applications should include identification and, if possible, quantification of direct and indirect impacts of the individual.
There is the ability to upload supplemental data and links at the end.
*We are now accepting video nominations. Please note that this an optional feature and does not serve as a complete replacement for the nomination form. Videos should be kept to a maximum length of 2 minutes and address the same questions outlined in the nomination form. Additionally, we kindly request that any supplementary documentation regarding the nominee that may be beneficial be included.
2022 Award Winner

Printing using UV LED Curing Technology
Empire Screen Printing
Sustainability is integrated into Empire Screen Printing’s vision and environmental policy. Through their relentless pursuit of customer satisfaction, they continue to look for new opportunities and innovations. After an employee suggestion and three years of beta testing, they introduced the first UV LED Ink Curing technology in screen printing, changing the future of screen printing. There are zero emissions, no CFMs, no mercury bulbs, and no VOC solvent-based inks. In 2022, they removed all solvent inks from their facility to be 100% UV ink, compared to the industry standard that still uses solvent inks. They have continued to transition their production, and 90% of their print now uses UV LED curing technology, decreasing their material waste by 95%. Empire Screen Printing cares deeply for its employees, and their motivation to provide a safe working environment has driven them to create a service that is both safe and environmentally friendly, and they are committed to sharing these practices
with the industry and customers.
2021 Award Winner

EZ Office Products
Rose Molz
Rose Molz, founder of EZ Office Products, has developed an innovative, specialized delivery service for customers, companies and organizations aiming to reduce the amount of material they send to landfills. EZ Office Products has adapted their operations to include proactive solutions that help their clients limit the amount of waste they produce through ordering office supplies and their daily work. They strive to help educate customers about the wide variety of items that can be recycled and encourage them to return these items to us so they can dispose of them. EZ Office Products efforts are directly helping to keep items out of landfills – which is working to improve not only the environment locally in Wisconsin, but also the Earth as a whole.