NON-WSBC Members:
Green Masters Program Fee
We are growing and so is the program. If your company is located outside of WI or wish you to participate without becoming a member, the Green Masters Program fee schedule is as follows:

Dear valued Green Masters Program participant,
Since 2010 the Green Masters Program has been a tool for over 350 organizations to measure and improve their sustainable actions. Since the beginning, the program has taken an environmental, social, and governance lens to sustainability and in 2020 it became a certification that validates your sustainability credentials. In 2023 we launched the updated version of the program in a web based platform. We are proud that we have been able to offer the program for free for so many years, but have had to make the decision to charge for the program for our own financial sustainability.
As a member organization, we depend on membership to fund our activities, including the development and administration of the Green Masters Program. Membership also funds our educational webinar series, working groups and networking sessions. This year we are launch a specific Green Masters Program working group for members to connect, and problem solve on specific topics inside the program.
By becoming a member, you help to advance sustainable business practices not only in your organization but also in our larger business community. The importance of our collective work, advancing Environmental, Social, and Governance practices, is more important than ever and with your help, we can make strides towards more positive impacts. Membership is a cost-effective way to assess and integrate sustainable practices into your organization and together, move our positive collective impact forward.
We are committed to keeping membership dues affordable and accessible to stay aligned with our vision and mission and are based on company size. We are asking you to JOIN WSBC as a member to continue your participation in the Green Masters Program. You can see membership dues by scrolling to Investment on this webpage.
We have a limited number of scholarships available for organizations for those where membership or the cost is a barrier. If you would like more information, or to discuss, please contact me at jessy@wisconsinsustainability.com.
We hope you have found value in the program and will continue to use the program. We look forward to your continued participation in the Green Masters Program as a member of WSBC and we look forward to continuing our collective work towards a more sustainable business community.
Jessy Servi Ortiz
Jessy Servi Ortiz
Managing Director
Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council