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Terra Pass Carbon Calculator

How to measure, reduce and offset your business’ carbon footprint.  At the bottom of the page under ‘How Much it Costs’, there’s an easy to use carbon calculator.

​ Carbon Calculator has become a major player in providing carbon calculators for a number of different business needs.  Choose from the following calculators for your business needs: Employee Commute Carbon calculator, an Events Emissions calculator, a Fleet Emissions calculator, an Office Emissions calculator, a Paper Emissions calculator and a Shipping Emissions calculator.

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Paper Waste Calculator

The Paper Calculator is the premier tool for measuring the environmental impacts of paper and discovering the best paper choices. Use it to quantify the impacts of your paper usage, and to compare different grades and types of paper with varying amounts of recycled content.


The Paper Calculator is supported by the Environmental Paper Network, a coalition of over 100 non-profit organizations working toward the sustainable production and consumption of pulp and paper.

Why do paper choices matter?
By using less paper, increasing recycled content, and making other improvements, you can save wood, water 
and energy, and cut pollution and solid waste.


See the environmental benefits
Create an easy-to-read report to help your company, community, non-profit or other organization make better paper choices and measure the environmental results.

Greenhouse Gas Protocol Calculation Tools

"GHG Protocol tools enable companies and cities to develop comprehensive and reliable inventories of their GHG emissions and help countries and cities track progress toward their climate goals."

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Greenhouse Gas Protocol provides multiple categories of calculation tools that are specifically designed for different uses. These resources range from targeted use by developing countries to individual cities. Visit their website or pick a category below to get started:


Environmental Protection Agency Calculators

The EPA provides multiple different calculators that can be used on an individual level or for a large-scale business. Calculate your emissions and learn about solutions that will help save the planet and save you money.


Greenhouse Gases Equivalencies Calculator

Emissions Calculations

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Green Power Equivalency Calculator 

WaterSense Calculator

Interspecies Correlation Estimation

Power Profiler (is your energy green?)

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