Cool Choices
WHAT is Cool Choices?
Cool Choices is an online game you play in teams.
It encourages you to take sustainable actions each day, at home and at work. You play daily, in teams, for 4 to 6 weeks, yet it only takes a few minutes a day.
It's a fun and social way to take sustainable actions and get credit for them. At the end of the game, the team and the individual with the most points win prizes! The goal is that all of us can change our behavior, one action at a time. When we do that over the course of weeks, those actions become habits.
WHY Play?
Cool Choices makes sustainability fun! It turns actions into habits that help reduce cost and environmental impacts at home and at work.
WSBC Annual Member Game
Each April, WSBC members play a game of Cool Choices. In teams of four, members form teams and play in celebration of Earth Month.
Registration for the WSBC Member game is open to any member or anyone in a organization that is a member at no cost. You can form a team or join a team and play. Registration opens in March for the annual WBSC Member game.
Play Cool Choices at Your Company
You can play a game company-wide game and personalize the cards to reflect your sustainability goals and corporate initiatives. We also have lean, six sigma, and other types of games.
Download the Info Sheet for more information:
To learn more, contact Christa Kananen by email to discuss your company goals, to see a game demo and to get pricing information that meets you needs.

HOW does a Cool Choices game work?
1. Players choose actions daily from the online card deck to play that inspire sustainable actions.
The mobile-friendly platform increases participation in existing initiatives or identifies leaders for new efforts *If playing outside the WSBC Member game, you can customize the deck to reinforce initiatives inside your organization.
2. Players earn points by taking actions (cool choices) that save money and reduce Environmental Impacts and/or GHG emissions.
In less than two minutes a day, participants play via phones or computer, cheer on their team and seeing how everyone’s actions add up to big impacts. It’s fun, social, and easy to play!
3. Cool Choices delivers increased engagement, decreased costs, AND insightful data.
At the end of each game, you receive an impact reports that details the financial and environmental savings your game produced. It also includes details on employee engagement in the game. We measure changes in behaviors as well as attitudes and beliefs.
Cool Choices users build on their momentum and continue to innovate and integrate change, even after the game play ends.